Saturday, March 12, 2011


So far this semester, I think things have been a lot easier compared to last semester, however I am now beginning to feel the stress building up. I usually try to get all of my homework done the day it is assigned but all of these papers, tests, and presentations are begining to weigh me down. Between doing homework, working 17 hours a week and volunteering, there is very little time to sit around and relax. I am to the point where I feel guilty if I am watching TV without doing somekind of school work also or reading a book besides a school text book. You would think that spending so much time on homework would put me ahead of my school work but that is not the case. I have a paper due next Monday but I have a friend flying in from Colorado so I am hoping to finish that paper also before the weekend. Ugh.

Right now I am spending my Saturday night watching Matilda and doing homework and I am quite alright with that.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing wrong with watching Matilda. You could rationalize that you're watching Matilda to prepare for teaching the novel and having kids compare the novel with the movie. See how easy it was to make yourself feel less guilty?! :~)
